Annie Peralty

Annie Peralty

Sometimes it Takes a Village

We have all heard the old axiom that it takes a village to raise a child. There is another side to that statement, another truth that infertiles know very well… Sometimes it takes a village to make a child! That…

In My Humble Opinion…

In my humble opinion… This design takes a bit of a detour from the usual direction of my drawings. This design… Well, it kinda speaks for itself doesn’t it? If you have spent much time around me in person, you…

It Isn’t Everything

It might not be clear what it is, but what is clear is that it isn’t everything. In my mind, the “it” is infertility and it is represented by the flower pot with nothing growing inside. And the life around…

The Affiliate Program

It doesn’t take long for the costs of infertility to add up. Some infertiles need to take out loans in order to start or grow their families. Some have to sell their homes and move back in with parents to…

Operation Babyspaceship Fundraiser

My name is Annie, and I came up with the idea of using ThreadHunters to help fund Operation Babyspaceship. I am also the creative mind behind many of the designs you will see on ThreadHunters, especially the designs involving infertility,…